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  • Karla Quintanilla

3 Assets You Need to Posses To Write a Book

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

1. A Story

The best part about being a human being is that all have a different angle of vision. We experience things differently and we all have a collection of stories in our minds that have being created uniquely by us. Naturally our brain flows with ideas and memories that serves us to survive and thrive in our lives. The same event can be interpreted different. Take this pandemic as an example, we are all experiencing it a different way. So, allow me to ask you...what is your story? Are you passionate about a certain subject?, do you want to share your life-changing testimonial, or perhaps you want to explore the realms of fiction and invent a brand new story. The possibilities are endless. There is an audience for every story, you will just have to figure out the purpose of yours. You can inform, entertain or persuade the reader. Begin by jotting down your ideas and deciding which one if worth writing about. Let your story come from your core and let your mind soar.

2. Consistent Writing Schedule

This is the hardest part about becoming a writer. Discipline here is key. We naturally have busy schedules, a social life, a full time job, or maybe you're raising a family etc. In my case, I was a full-time student with overloading courses, a part-time intern, building a podcast, and involved in after school activities when I began writing my book. It was easy for me to become distracted by all of those forces, which are all valid excuses, but I was determined to find time to write consistently every week. I time-boxed everything in my schedule and stuck to it as much as possible. Accountability is something that works well for me. I entered a writing bootcamp with fellow authors and did a mandatory zoom for 3 hours a week. Every zoom we would share our writing goal for the 3 hours and we used the Pomodoro technique to be as productive as possible. If you are not familiar with this technique: it is 25 minutes of work with no distractions followed by a 5 minute break. I also do what I call "my power hour" where I replace an hour of social media and invest it into drafting as much as I can and brain dump all of my ideas for a chapter. My power hours is a sacred time for me to brainstorm and visualize the outcome of my book Imagination Mindset. Everyone has a different method to their madness. Figure out what works for you and stick to it.

3. Unlimited Curiosity and Imagination

"One little spark, of inspiration

Is at the heart, of all creation" The Sherman Brothers

My biggest advice is to let the sky be the limit on what you can write about. Practice creativity in your daily life without limits and build confidence in yourself. Twitter has been my favorite platform to write creatively. I pretty much write whatever clever thing comes to my head. Take time to reflect on who you are and tap into your creative self, that inner child within you. Don't be afraid to think big and definitely go outside of the box. If people think you're crazy, that is a GOOD sign. Believe in your imagination and let it soar. Some of the greatest geniuses have created phenomenal things because they believed in the power of their imagination. Think about Einstein, Thomas Edison, Mary Shelley, Walt Disney, Elon Musk amongst others. Also be curious about things that interest you or anything at all. Curiosity yields innovation and education. Ask questions, talk to people, do research, do a little inner work. These two things will help you move forward in your writing because you will be able to create content from what you have discovered.

And that's all folks, that's how you can get started. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Have you ever considered writing a book?

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